#10. Ten Tips for Small Business
10. Stay steady and don't give up. My father's most frequent piece of wisdom comes from a Harvard Business School study that he quotes...
Your Personal Brand
I recently attended a seminar in LA on personal brand. One great concept in this course was the idea of personal and professional...
Successful People have a Positive Attitude
I haven't posted lately with my coaching hat on. So as not to neglect that area, here is one. Dr. Phil Zimbardo from Stanford University...
Lessons from Thanksgiving Dinner
My family went out to Thanksgiving dinner this year. We ate at a place that served family style. The waitress brought us plate after...
Improve your strong points
Even though people and companies try to improve their weak points, it is more beneficial to work on improving your strong points. By...
Always Improve your Strong Points First
Even though people and companies try to improve their weak points, it is more beneficial to work on improving your strong points. By...